Monday, August 24, 2009

My Son is Finally Growing Up

Ah! Another Monday over and done. I'm still trying to settle down into a routine at work. I was able to do a little delegating which will help a bit. My routine at home is going well. I came home, briefly, at lunch today, and the house actually looked decent! I just hope that I can keep it all up. Don't worry. I'm trying to take a little time for myself, too. I have hit up one of my friends for a girls' night out. I just don't know when we are going to have a chance anytime soon to do that. I guess we'll just have to MAKE the time.

We had a little drama between Justin & Chelsea this weekend. I don't really want to go into all the details, but he came home to visit. He was disappointed that she didn't want to come. He went and played with his band Saturday night. Let's just say a bit of jealousy and childish behavior came into play. I spoke to Justin today, and he said that things were good now. He said that if he had to quit his band, then he would. He said that his marriage was the most important thing. I admire him for that. He has really grown up over the past few months. God answers prayers. It may not be the way we think He should answer them, but He does. I seem to remember a post that I did in frustration about how I wished that Justin would just grow up. Well, it was almost immediately that things started happening to accomplish it. Lord knows, it ain't been easy on ANY of us! But, I am hoping and praying that it all works out.

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