Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Keeping Our Heads Above Water

I woke up early this morning with my mind racing about how much I had to do at work and how I was gonna be able to get it all done.  I hate when I do that.  I countered it by getting up and reading my bible.  Praying about it.  Blogging about it.  It seems to help, yet I know that when I get to work there will be a million things facing me that need to be done.  I have to stay focused, and just take one thing at a time.  Trying to squeeze it all into an 8 hour day is hard.  But I don't won't to work overtime every day.  Something's gotta give. 

The girl that I split jobs with seems to be having a trying time, too.  I need to go spend some time with her to do a little training in order to ease her mind about payroll.  But, right now I have to do the accounts payable and get the bills paid for both schools this week.  I hope that I can just check in with her a few minutes today and ease her mind a little bit.  It's the first time that she is doing payroll, and just the steps that you have to go through to do that can be nerve wrecking.  And I feel that if I can sit down with her for a few minutes, then that will help her tremendously.  Yes, I'll have to make time to do that sometime today. 

And time goes on.  She and I are just trying to keep our heads above water, lest we drown in a pool of bills, purchase orders, receipt books, and leave forms.  Just pray for us. 

1 comment:

David Armstrong said...

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