Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday Night Lights #4 "Mud Bowl '09"

Friday evening our high school team headed to Etowah for the game. We had not beaten this team since 1981! Granted, we haven't played them every year since then, but it had been about 13 games. I remember all too well how they ran up the score on us a couple of years in a row a few years ago. This is the team that Carnell Williams played on before going to Auburn to play and then on to the NFL. It had been raining all week, and storms were in the forecast for Friday. It had not rained all day in Albertville, so I thought we were going to be okay. As we were driving to Etowah, the skies began to darken, and the guy on the radio said that there was a storm moving in around the area where we would be playing. We got there and took our seats on the very top. We continued to watch the black clouds moving in, and our team was out on the field warming up. Our band had elected to stay on the buses for the time being to avoid getting caught in a torrential downpour. Lightening and rain do not mix well with band instruments! Our football team went into their locker room to get ready for the game. It wasn't long thereafter that the storm moved in. Me and the people we were sitting with sought shelter underneath the press box. It rained and thundered and flash and streaked lightning for a good 30 minutes. We found out the game would be delayed, but would kick off around 8:15 p.m. (normal kick off time is 7:00). The field was an absolute mess! Our sideline was pure mud. Our boys didn't seem to mind! They played their hearts out, to the tune of a 14-13 win! And, while our band elected not to perform their halftime show on the field, they still sat in the stands and played the music to the show. It turned out to be a pretty good night. And, we broke the "curse of Etowah" that people had been speaking of all week.  I made pictures, of course!  So, I put together a little slideshow of the event.

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